Our Collections
Dating from the 13th century to the present day, our collections give you the opportunity to discover the rich and fascinating history of Liverpool. Experienced staff will help you explore original documents, photographs, maps and newspapers which record the lives of Liverpudlians across the centuries. To consult original archives please make an appointment.
Digital resources
You can also access popular family history resources on Ancestry, Find my Past and British Newspapers Online. These resources are accessible from all Liverpool Libraries, free of charge.
We also have digital collections that include oral histories, film footage and photographs which can be made available on request.
Research & Digitisation service
If you are unable to visit in person or would like digital copies of archive material we offer a paid-for research service. To find out more please visit here.
New deposits
We accept deposits of unique records which reflect Liverpool life. We actively seek records relating to black and racial minority communities and LGBTQ+ communities that are under-represented in our collections.
Supporting heritage partners
We are available to support organisations/individuals with heritage projects/grant funding applications. To find out more contact us.
Arranging a group visit
To organise a research session please email.
Liverpool Central Library,
William Brown Street,
L3 8EW
(0151) 233 3069
We actively collect archives to inform future research into our communities, if you would like to deposit records to be permanently preserved, we would love to hear from you.
We hold a vast selection of maps and plans dating from the 18th century which can bring your research to life.
We have a wealth of records which link to the curriculum, especially on poverty, health and the Second World War-to find out more contact us.
If you are starting out on your research or need help with a tricky enquiry, our knowledgeable team are here to assist.
We provide free access to the all archive collections as well as free access to family history sites Ancestry, Find My Past and British Newspapers on-line.
We provide advice and support to community organisations and individuals embarking on their own heritage projects, contact us for more information.